Here at Ace Glass, one of our specialties is installing patio doors for customers. We all know the benefits of having a nice patio door, such as letting the natural light through your house. However a very popular question we get asked a lot by our customers is “What is the best security for my patio door?” It is estimated that 60% of all break-ins in the US result from criminals breaking in via the patio door.

patio door lock

Often many conventional locks on patio doors are not visible, hence why would-be thieves think they can take their chances and break in via this route. Depending on the area that you live in, this would require a different measure of tackling this problem. If you live in a high crime rate district – look to install a visible lock on your patio door coupled with fogged wire mesh security glass. This may come across as extreme, but rather this option than leaving yourself vulnerable to a break-in.

patio door lock and key

Other options include installing a gate in front of your patio door which can be locked separately. These are of course also visible and will put potential would-be thieves off. If you live in an area where crime rates are not so high but where you are still security conscious you can go with a sturdy patio door security lock and a security bar also to back this up for equal measure. We can advise you on the best type of security if we come out to do an estimate for a patio door for you at your home.