Now we all know that there are a ton of cleaners and steam cleaners on the market to clean up your car’s interior. Many of these work great but often  it is a costly problem to fix if you have spilled coffee on your car seat or your child has had a nasty accident (we have all been there). So what are the options?

Baking Soda

Yes the mighty ingredient of removing stains. It has been in use for longer than any of us care to remember. You can use baking soda for just about anything, whether it is baking a cake, cleaning your kitchen sink, descaling your coffee machine and yes you guess it – removing stains form your car’s interior. Mix some baking soda with water and apply a damp cloth to the stained area. Always blot the stains, do not scrub it. Otherwise you can rub the stain further into your car’s seats.


Yes, you know we like vinegar here at Ace Glass. Great for windows, but also great for stubborn stains in your car’s interior as well. Use some standard white vinegar mixed with water and apply to the affected area. This will remove most stains and give your seats a fresher look and feel.

Clean car interior

Hairspray & Alcohol

If you have some really nasty stubborn stains like ink or thickset grease for example then you may need some extra power beyond vinegar and baking powder. Hairspray and alcohol can usually shift most stains possible. Use a clean damp cotton cloth and try rubbing some alcohol with water in the stained area.

Make Your Own Upholstery Cleaner

Get yourself a plant pressure sprayer bottle, easy to pick up from your local hardware store, and then mix up a solution of water and vinegar – make sure it is about 50/50 for each. Make up different sprayers for each cleaner. So one with baking soda and water, one with alcohol and water. Now you have your own set of cleaning products for home and the interior of your car that any professional cleaner or car valet would be proud to use.