Okay so we are not even in Winter yet, it is still September and here at Ace Glass we like to be prepared! However before you know it the cold weather will be upon us and will we be freezing in our wooly jumpers and thanksgiving will be here. That may sound over-dramatic, but it is important to start thinking about your car now and how you can prep it for the winter ahead.

  1. Clean, flush and ensure you have new antifreeze put into your cooling system. This is generally done every two years or every major service on your car.
  2. Ensure that your vehicle is maintained to a high standard. By having the brakes, exhaust and battery checked in your regular vehicle service you will ensure that your car is mechanically sound for the months ahead.
  3. If you live in an area which is particularly cold during the winter months, consider swapping your tires for the cold months to winter tires. These will ensure that you have more grip on the icy roads and during snowfalls.
  4. Make sure you never run on an empty gas tank. Make sure you have at least half a tank of gas at all times, to decrease the possibility of any moisture forming within the fuel tank and fuel lines where it is possible it could freeze.
  5. Ensure you check tire pressures regularly and of your spare in the trunk, nothing worse than breaking down in the icy weather and finding out your spare wheel has a flat.

Other items to also add to the list would be to ensure you have an emergency kit in the trunk, an ice scraper, blanket, jump leads, flashlight, extra clothes, bottled water and dried food. This may sound like overkill but you will be thankful if you break down in the freezing cold weather and you have these items on standby.