Here at Ace Glass we did a post about opinions on cheap gas versus expensive gas. Well how about ways to actually improve your fuel economy? Just by the way you drive – it can have a huge effect on how often you are standing at the pump filling up your tank.

So let’s look at the top five ways to get more miles per gallon.

Fuel economy


  1. Driving habits – if you drive like Steve Mqueen in Bullit, then you are never going to improve your MPG. It all starts with how heavy your foot is on the gas and how heavy your other foot is on the brake. Be more aware and anticipate when driving, i.e. anticipate turns in advance more, brake smoothly rather than at the last minute. Just got on the highway? Well don’t put your pedal to the metal, build up your speed gradually. The smoother you are with the gas and the brake the more your MPG will rise.
  2. Cruise control – setting your cruise control saves you fuel and keeps the car’s engine at constant speed. Good for not getting speeding tickets as well.
  3. Air conditioning – be frugal, using your car’s A/C inhibits performance and fuel economy. Also with speeds under 40 MPH roll down your windows, this has been proven to be a cheaper alternative than using air conditioning at this speed.
  4. Plan journeys in one go to avoid fewer trips. In other words be more organized! Plan trips to the store at certain times, when there is less traffic around. Think back to days of yester-year, not everyone drove everywhere they went and ran errands when they had several errands rather than running out everyday to get some milk at the store or go to the bank.
  5. Maintenance – It is imperative to keep on top of maintaining and looking after you car. Having your car maintained regularly ensures that parts are replaced and new oil is used on a regular basis which reduces friction in the engine and transmission and makes it easier for air to flow throughout the engine.